Welcome to Earth Awareness

As the name of this domain suggests, these web pages are dedicated to awareness of the Earth – to exploring ways in which humankind as a whole might enter into right relationship with our only home. Central to this right relationship with the Earth will be the awareness that a great universal rite of passage is taking place, a 'coming of age' in which the human psyche–globally–is undergoing an intense shift onto a new, more mature level of being.

As Earth-based author & educator Timothy B. Leduc points out: We are participating in the unfolding revelation of a climatic intelligence that informs every Earth hour, day, season, year and life. As counterintiuitive as it may be in turbulent times like ours, climate change may be re-initiating the human species into the primal importance of humbly opening our hearts to a spirited creation and giving celebratory thanks. Leduc: 'A Thanksgiving Species.' http://www.humansandnature.org/to-be-human-timothy-b.-leduc